Home & Lifestyle winter 2018
Facts about high heels H eels change the natural shape of your foot and alter weight placement around the body. This affects your posture, adding strain and pressure on joints . Studies have linked long-term high heel wearing to muscular imbalances, ankle instability, balance problems, declines in muscular strength and osteoarthritis. About 50% of women aged 55 and over will be diagnosed with a form of arthritis, the most of which is osteoarthritis. What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease or more commonly a ‘wear and tear’ disease
driving or sitting at your desk, Sit down or change your footwear if your feet are beginning to hurt, Avoid stiletto heels - these are considered the worst by podiatrists! Choose heels with a wider base such as wedges. These reduce pressure on the knees. Stretch your feet and calves after wearing heels. This helps to elongate cramped muscles, improve blood circulation and encourages bones and muscles back to their natural alignment. Make use of an insole - extra padding helps to reduce pressure on joints. Rotate your heels – change your heel height on a daily basis to prevent your legs locking into an unnatural alignment. This can occur when you wear the same heels daily.
and more prevalent in women. It affects joints that have been continually stressed over time. In particular the hands, knees, hips and lower spine. Osteoarthritis causes the bones and cartilage in affected joints to slowly break down, worsening over time. Symptoms are pain, stiffness, swelling and ultimately disability. Change your heel habits The key is to give your feet a well deserved break and chance to recover as often as possible. Pack a pair of flats – change your footwear whenever you can to reduce the amount of time you spend in heels, Wear shorter heels - below two inches are best, Take your heels off when seated such as when
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