Home & Lifestyle Spring 2021

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Cosmetic Tattooing suitable for the ageing face

A s we age it is inevitable that facial features shift and alter. These usually involve changes in bone structure, fat distribution, muscle ptosis and skin wrinkling. So when it comes to cosmetic tattooing procedures, which are considered long- lasting and sometimes even permanent, it is extremely important to ensure techniques are used with technical considerations to ensure procedures for eyebrows, lips and eye-liner, remain age-appropriate and continue to fulfil their purpose of enhancing your appearance. The new cosmetic tattooing techniques today are so much softer, sophisticated and able to provide a truly enhanced, but natural look. These advances have broadened the appeal to a much wider age demographic. Getting beautiful brows for example that can look natural are so much easier these days to perform with the new feather-stroke and powder Ombré techniques. Age is no barrier. These allow us to achieve a lovely 3D effect of simulated hairs, and with these new techniques allow creation of beautiful shape that can give the illusion of a more youthful slightly lifted eyebrow, to flatter the eyes and enhance the features without looking artificial. This enables you to keep looking fresh and age appropriate over the years. Ideally, there are many new highly successful techniques used for the lips and eyeliner. Natural Illusions have adapted the skill and techniques needed to help you to refresh your look. Keeping up to date with all the latest training, advanced equipment and treatments available in the industry they can now offer you many beauty services in a private and comfortable environment by a professional Beautician with 30 years of experience. Rest assured if there is any doubt that a treatment you require cannot be achieved by Natural Illusions, they will let you know in advance at your appointment. Professional advice for the look that will suit your individual needs. Phone: 4332 9296

Reduce Stress to Manage Blood Pressure W hen you are under stress, your brain sends signals to your heart to beat faster and to constrict blood vessels, thus increasing blood pressure. Stress, be it emotional, physical or mental can all impact your health with negative consequences. This increased pressure can damage arteries over time and lead to cardiovascular disease. Developing stress management techniques are important and can significantly improve your overall health. Do things that make you happy - When was the last time you did something for yourself? Too often we get caught up with work, family and social obligations and forget to look at what we need ourselves to feel happy and satisfied with our lives. Try and schedule some time for yourself each day to do what makes you happy. Go and read a book, sit in the garden in the sun with a cuppa and a biscuit, take up a hobby. Looking after yourself is important, and remember it’s Ok to say no to avoid over load! Do what you want to do. You don't have to explain why you say no, just say that you have other plans and make time for you. Spend time outdoors - Heading outside for some fresh air is the simplest way to manage stress. Whether you potter around the yard or do some gardening, go for a walk, play with your children or pets, make a trip to the beach or lake, go fishing, play tennis or golf, plan a picnic, go hiking, ride your bike, go to the local markets, or sit and watch the world pass by, being outdoors gives your body a chance to relax and counteract the negative effects that stress can have. Enjoy your surroundings, avoid taking your mobile phone and breathe deeply for maximum benefits. Change your frame of mind - Life is short.... Make every day count! A lot of stress often comes from worrying about things outside of your control. Try not to get caught up in the ‘what if’ scenarios and avoid over thinking every little thing. Identifying what is in and out of your control will take away a great deal of unnecessary stress. Be mindful, and focus on one thing at a time, enjoying successes big or small rather than focussing on unknown outcomes. This can take some time to perfect but once you do, it is a life changer. Find balance - Take time out to exercise your body as well as mind. Do a physical activity every day even if it is only for 30 minutes. These activities help to release stress physically as well as focussing the brain on something other than negativity. Breath! Remember to Smile.



Constipated? P runes — or dried plums — are considered one of the healthiest foods there is, but exactly why are prunes good for you? And why are prunes good for constipation? You probably already know that these humble fruits are good for the bowels, but exactly how do prunes relieve constipation? Prunes are a good source of dietary fibre, with 100 grams of prunes containing approximately 6.1 grams of fibre. Dietary fibre is the part of plant foods that the enzymes in your body cannot digest and that is therefore not absorbed into the bloodstream. As a result, fibre remains in the colon where it absorbs water and softens the stool, thereby providing health benefits for those suffering from constipation. In addition, prunes and prune juice contain sorbitol (14.7 and 6.1 grams per 100 grams). Sorbitol is a mild colonic stimulant that helps reduce the transit time of stool and consequently the risk of constipation, colorectal cancer and hemorrhoids. Also the neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acids present in prunes may improve their laxative action. Try eating 3-4 prunes each day to keep your system moving.

Refreshing Ginger Peach Fizz...

Method • Puree peaches in a blender. • Half fill 4 x 150ml long glasses with ice. Top with peach puree, ginger beer and soda water. • Finish each glass with a nip of rum. • Stir gently and serve. *Leave out the rum for an alcohol-free drink. Cheers!!

Makes 4

• 4 fresh peaches, peeled, chopped or 1 large tin canned peaches • 2 cups ginger beer • 2 cups soda water • 4 nips white rum (1 nip=30ml)

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