Home & Lifestyle Spring 2019
Put the chicken before the egg... Choose humanely and make a difference W e want to help you make well informed and kinder choices when purchasing eggs. Egg producers
Bread Types Explained
W hich bread is good for our health...Wholemeal, wholegrain, multigrain, sourdough, rye, white, high fibre white, low GI, low FODMAP, gluten free? Wholegrains are high in dietary fibre. Diets high in wholegrains are linked to a reduced risk of health conditions such as excess weight, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. Dietary fibre is also beneficial for bowel health by preventing constipation and feeding the “good” gut bacteria which is likely to result in a number of health benefits. White bread is made from wheat that has had the germ and bran removed, thereby reducing the fibre, B group vitamins, vitamin E and minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus. Wholemeal bread is made from wholegrains that have been milled to a fine texture, giving a plain brown appearance. Wholemeal flour contains more fibre than white flour and has a higher GI than wholegrain breads. Multigrain bread is made from white flour with added grains and has more fibre and a lower GI than white bread, resulting in longer lasting energy. Wholegrain bread contains the entire grain: the bran (outer layer), endosperm (starchy middle layer) and germ (nutrient rich inner part). It’s a rich source of carbohydrates, protein, unsaturated (good) fats, vitamins andminerals, aswell as three types of fibre: soluble, insoluble and resistant starch. Wholegrain bread has a dense wholemeal flour base as well as lots of grain and seeds. Look for “whole grain” in the ingredient list. Soy and linseed bread has the added benefit of healthy omega 3 fats. Rye bread has a heavier texture due to a lower gluten content. Wholegrain rye with added grains has a higher fibre and vitamin content than light rye and has a lower GI, as does rye sourdough. Wholegrain rye is a good choice for health. Sourdough bread has a lower GI due to the higher acidity level. Fibre, vitamin and mineral levels vary with the flour used, with wholegrain sourdough the preferred choice. Authentic sourdough takes a long time to produce and results in an acidic and chewy bread, two features that lower the GI. Look for a chewy texture and the absence of yeast in the ingredients, preferably with whole wheat flour or rye wholemeal, grains and seeds. High fibre white breads have fibre added to them. Gluten-free breads are made from an alternative grain to wheat and have a lower fibre content and higher GI than their wheat-containing counterparts. *Useful for people with a gluten intolerance such as coeliac disease. Low FODMAP breads f or those with (IBS), who are sensitive to a group of carbohydrates known as FODMAPS. These breads still contain gluten and are not suitable for people with coeliac disease. Look for heavy, dense breads with lots of grains and seeds. Check food labels for: Wholegrain, kibbled grain, nuts and seeds at the beginning of the ingredients list. Foods with more than 4g fibre per serve are considered a good source of fibre under the Australian food standards code.
have added confusing claims on egg cartons. To end factory farming, animals urgently need caring consumers to make the right choices. Understanding the labels on egg cartons. ‘RSPCA Approved’ - accredits egg farms to RSPCA
FREE FROM There are many other marketing terms used on egg cartons to imply higher welfare. These labels should be read discerningly. Terms such as ‘Vegetarian’, ‘Eco eggs’ and ‘Omega 3 eggs’ for example are not recognised descriptors that define the type of housing system or a level of welfare for hens. The term ‘Cage-free’ is also regularly used but it is important to note that these hens are raised in barns and do not have access to the outdoors. Likewise, don’t be fooled by clever imagery — some cartons may depict birds sitting on nests, or green rolling fields, but unless accompanied by an accreditation label, these images are most likely to be inaccurate. standards. RSPCA Approved farms allow hens access to an outdoor area. The description ‘barn laid’, ‘free range’ or ‘outdoor’ on RSPCA Approved egg cartons will indicate if the hens had access to the outdoors or were confined indoors (barn laid). ‘Free Range’- The RSPCA logo alone does not guarantee free range — you may also find the RSPCA logo on barn-laid eggs. Only cartons that are also labelled ‘free range’ contain RSPCA approved eggs from a true free range system. The biggest difference between free range farms is the number of birds kept in a certain space. While 1,500 birds per hectare is the recommended maximum, this is not enforceable and large scale producers are keeping their hens at much higher densities to cash in on the growing market for free range products. Queensland is the only state that has legislated a maximum of 1,500 hens per hectare. Organic and Humane Choice’ - Certified organic eggs come from hens kept on farms which meet and exceed standards of the best free range facilities. However, simply the word ‘organic’ on an egg carton can sometimes mislead people to think the welfare of hens meets certified organic standards when it may merely mean that hens in barns are fed organic grains. These logos on the egg carton indicate that the hens are raised on a certified organic farm. Humane Choice is the certification scheme launched by Humane Society International to improve the welfare standards of farmed animals. For consumers who do choose to purchase eggs and are searching for the most humane products, you can visit the Humane Choice website (http://luks.co/ WUw) for more details. BarnLaid’- Hens in barn laid housing systems are not confined in cages so in theory they can move around. However, high stocking densities restrict hens’ ability to move freely and exercise. Being confined indoors restricts hens’ ability to perform the normal behaviours that provide quality of life. Other claims on egg cartons
• Chemical herbicides and pesticides • Artificial preservatives, flavourings and colourings • Genetic modification • Soy, dairy and eggs, animal products • Added sugar • Chemical herbicides and pesticides • Artificial preservatives, flavourings and colourings • Genetic modification • Soy, dairy and eggs, animal products • Added sugar Lower salt Promotes gut health FREE FROM FREE FROM FREE FROM • Chemical herbicides and pesticides • Artificial preservatives, flavourings and colourings • Genetic modification • Soy, dairy and eggs, animal products • Added sugar Chemical h rbicides and pesticides • Artificial preservatives, flavourings and colourings Genetic modification • Soy, dairy and eggs, animal products • Added sugar
• Chemical herbicides and pesticides • Artificial preservatives, flavourings and colourings • Genetic modification • Soy, dairy and eggs, animal products • Added sugar We use only the best grains mostly grown in Australia on Certified Organic and sustainable farms. At our Certified Organic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid losing any precious vitamins. From the mill the flour is sent to our Certified Organic bakery to create our very own range of sourdough health bread. Sourdough bread is created by using a starter or mother, which ferments by lactic acid bacteria. This improves the food quality and the long fermentation (18 hours) ensures that the sourdough is fully developed and the nutritional value is enhanced. Fermenting and soaking ensures toxic or antinutritional factors are removed. BILLSORGANICS.COM.AU Available inColesSupermarkets, Woolworths&HarrisFarm inNSW&ACT Lower salt Promotes gut health
We use only the best grains mostly grown in Australia on Certified Organic and sustainable farms. At our Certified Organic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid losing any precious vitamins. From the mill the flour is sent to our Certified Organic bakery to create our very We use only the best grains mostly grown in Australia on Certified Organic and sustainable farms. At our Certified Organic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid losing any precious vitamins. From the mill the flour is sent to our Certified Organic bakery to create our very own range of sourdough health bread. Sourdough bread is created by using a starter or mother, which ferments by lactic acid bacteria. This improves the food quality and the long fermentation (18 hours) ensures that the sourdough is fully developed and the nutritional value is enhanced. Fermenting and soaking ensures toxic or antinutritional factors are remov d. We us only the best grains mo tly grown in Australia on Certified Organic d sustainable farms. At our Certifi d Orga ic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid losing a y precious vitamins. From he mill the flour is sent to our Ce tified Organic bakery to create our very We use only the best grains mostly grown in Australia on Certified Organic and sustainable farms. At our Certified Organic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid We use only the best grains mostly grown in Australia on Certified Organic and sustainable farms. At our Certified Organic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid losing any precious vitamins. From the mill the flour is sent to our Certified Organic bakery to create our very own range of sourdough health bread. Sourdough bread is created by using a starter or mother, which ferments by lactic acid bacteria. This improves t e food quality and the long fermentation (18 hours) ensures that the sourdough is fully developed and the nutritional value is enhanced. Fermenting and soaking ensures toxic or antinutritional factors are removed.
Lower salt Promotes gut health
Lower salt Promotes gut heal Lower salt Promotes gut health
BILLSORGANICS.COM.AU Available in Coles Supermarkets, Woolworths & Harris Farm in NSW & ACT
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