Home & Lifestyle Spring 2019
For the whole family...
Home Lifestyle Central Coast
Spring 2019
Home Improvements, Health & Nutrition, Best Eating Spots, Local Agents, Retirement
Keeping Your Eyes Healthy - Wear sunglasses M ost people know the sun’s rays are bad for our skin. But did you know they’re just as bad for our eyes? Keep your families eyes healthy by protecting them from the sun. Sunglasses are a great fashion accessory, but their most important job is to protect your eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. Some of the sun’s effects on the eyes include: Cataracts, a clouding of the eye’s lens that can blur vision. An estimated 20% of cases are caused by extended UV exposure, Macular degeneration, resulting from damage to the retina that destroys central vision. Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness, Pterygium, a tissue growth over the white part of the surface of the eye that can alter the curve of the eyeball, causing astigmatism and eye cancer. We all know how important it is to wear protective sunglasses during summer, however, what most of us do not realise is how equally important it is, if not more so, to wear protective eyewear during the cooler seasons. During autumn, winter and spring, the sun is lower on the horizon, so we get more exposed to those damaging UV rays, as they directly enter the eyes. 90% of UV radiation can penetrate clouds, which makes wearing sunglasses all year round even more important – dull days can be just as damaging. Another interesting fact and unknown to many is that UV exposure to the eyes is maximised between 8am-10am and, 2pm-4pm when the sun is lower in the sky often making these the most important times to be wearing your sunnies to protect from UV and give comfort from glare. When purchasing sunglasses, look for ones that block out 99 to 100% of both UVA and UVB radiation, so you can keep your vision sharp and eyes healthy. TIPS TO PROTECT YOUR EYES ALL YEAR LONG: • Make a habit of wearing UV protective sunglasses and broad-brimmed hats whenever you’re outside. • Don’t be fooled by clouds or the fact that you’re in the shade: a significant amount of damage to the eye can come from indirect light, whether it is from the side or reflected off surfaces such as the ground, sand or water. • Sunglasses are also available with tinted and polarised prescription lenses for those requiring glasses for clear vision. • Remember the kids and older family members. • When purchasing sunglasses, remember to check the sun protection factor on the swing tag, look for high category (Australian Standard) lenses and remember that a high retail price doesn’t always mean better protection. • Polarised lenses can be particularly helpful for reflected glare such as when at the beach or snow. • A close fitting, wraparound pair or classic style with thick arms can help prevent glare and damaging rays from coming in the sides of sunglasses.
Crimsafe 304 grade stainless steel mesh security doors and screens
New Crimsafe Ultimate with 15 year warranty
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Always insist on Crimsafe 1/11 Bon-Mace Close, Berkeley Vale PHONE 4388 4090 www.doormaster.com.au
DREAM WARDROBE... Creating your Dream Wardrobe with Howards is easy! H owards have two shelving systems that are ideal for creating your dream wardrobe that are flexible, durable and Simply ask for advice (it helps to have your inventory, photos and measurements)
if you haven’t worn it in the last 12 months, you probably don’t need it. Be ruthless! Sort into “Keep”, “Donate”, “Repair” and “Discard” piles. Put like clothing together into groups as they need a different amount of room to be stored (eg long dresses need long hang, shirts need short hang).Take a rough inventory so you know what needs to be stored. Solve - If you are after the BIG fix, put in a whole new super efficient shelving system like Elfa or Neata. If a smaller solution is in order, new hangers can make the world of difference. The trick is to put in a “system” that will help you keep control of your space.
So if you’re thinking about creating a wardrobe that reflects who you are, Howards can absolutely help. This new Neata Solution is designed to organise your wardrobe and utilise space in your home, with, 4 bay white wardrobe and timber trims. This solution has all of your wardrobe needs, from hanging space, room for bags and shoes, shelf space and storage containers. Shop at: Howards Online www.hsw.com.au and download our catalogue or phone: 9196 8899
a pleasure to use. All it takes is a few simple steps to make your dream a reality. We call this approach STOP, SORT and SOLVE. Stop - Don’t touch a thing! Step back and consider what your opportunities are, ask yourself what’s not working and what you really desire. This way you can create a clear objective of what you are trying to achieve. Sort - Time to get stuck in and pull EVERYTHING out. You’ll discover all sorts of things hiding away in your wardrobe you probably haven’t seen for years! On that point,
Finite Gallery features the work of the regions best established and emerging artists and artisans.
‘First Drops’ 30cmx40cm $150
Early Morning from the Cliff’ 90cm x 100cm $800
Commissions can be arranged to suit your needs
Leslie Duffin ‘Reef’ 70cm x180cm $2100
Home Lifestyle Central Coast
Wonderous creatures under the sea…
Alison Robinson
Typesetting and design Hub Graphic Design Nicole Chambers nicole@hubgd.com.au Contributors
Guy Thornycroft Pro Flooring - Flooring Specialist
Australian National Health & Medical Research Council
Dr Saif Hayek Advanced Dental Services
Geoff Garlinge -Certified Health Counsellor Dip.HC MRA (Medical Register of Australia) Nutritional & Nutraceutical Cancer Support Specialist
Rick Boylan Louvreland
Printed By Spotpress Pty Ltd - 02 9549 1111
Central Coast Home & Lifestyle Magazine ABN 77 022 324 758 PO Box 6326 Kincumber NSW 2251 To subscribe for FREE eMagazines each issue go to www.centralcoasthomeandlifestyle.com.au Advertising contact Alison Robinson alison@centralcoasthomeandlifestyle.com.au 0408 630 214 or 4339 4190 Conditions: Articles in the ’Central Coast Home & Lifestyle’ magazine express the opinions of the contributors and not necessarily those of the ‘Central Coast Home & Lifestyle’ magazine. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of any statement contained in the text or advertisements. All material appearing in the magazine is copyright. All rights reserved.
Trying to photograph your pet? I t’s happened to all of us—we just can’t capture our dog’s full cuteness in a photo. Photographing dogs is challenging. They’re always curious about everything around them, and they are easily distracted. There are a few different ways to help you to take the perfect photo.
Get down at your dog’s level. Rather than forcing your dog to look up at the camera, put your camera at the same height as your dog’s face. This may mean getting down on your knees or lying on the floor, or persuading your dog to sit on a piece of furniture. When you are down at his level, your dog may want to investigate the camera;
Let your dog be himself. Rather than placing your dog in an uncomfortable stay and forcing him to look directly at the camera, photograph him doing what he naturally does. Photographing the things your dog does on a daily basis — chewing on a favourite toy, lounging on the sofa, looking out the window, can become an opportunity to capture his unique personality, just like you would do with any other member of the family. Getting a good picture of your dog can be even harder than getting a good shot of your toddler. Just as there are simple strategies you can use to photograph kids, there are some easy tricks of the trade that can help you get better photos of your dog.
enlist a helper to hold onto his leash if needed. Keep your dog in focus. For the best photos of your dog’s face, make his eyes the main focus. Dogs with flatter faces, like Pugs, are photographed best with the dog looking directly at the camera, while longer-snouted dogs photograph better from the side. If your dog has special features, like a curly tail or long ears, make them a focus of the photo. Find a ball or toy that your dog loves and hold the ball or toy next to your lens. Your
pets unpredictable nature makes the actual shooting rather difficult. Not only do you need to catch focus on their face, you also need to get them to stay as still as possible.
Alternatively, hold a treat up to your camera or phone - one thing for certain is that . . dogs love food. Whether it’s human food or doggy food, nothing gets their attention like a delicious treat and make sure you, let them smell it so they know what’s at stake. Now they’ll stare at you with intensity. Why is colour so important? Colour plays a vitally important role in the world in which we live. Spring is the perfect time to let some colour into your life... Colour has a profound influence on a space and the people in it. Use it to your advantage to create an inviting, productive space. Colour is sometimes divided into two categories: warm and cool tones. Warm tones, like red, orange and yellow can energize a space and its occupants. Warm colours often evoke feelings of happiness, optimism and energy. An environment can become under stimulated or overstimulated, depending on the colours used. Cool tones such as blue, green and purple generally create quiet, relaxing atmospheres. An under stimulated environment features weak intensities of colour and weak or monotonous colour contrasts, while an overstimulated setting features highly saturated colours, strong contrasts and/or too many complex visual patterns. Colour can sway thinking, change actions, and cause reactions. Colour is extremely versatile in its uses. It can be used to make a statement, create an atmosphere, or call forth a response. Colour expresses outwards towards the world, but it also helps us to travel inwards towards spiritual states, towards our true self. Light colours are airy and, as a general rule, they make rooms feel larger and brighter. Dark colours are sophisticated and warm and they make rooms feel intimate. Colours basically behave in three ways. They can be active, passive or neutral. Neutrals include black, grey, white and brown and these colours are often used to establish balance in a décor that includes both active and passive shades. The colours you use in your interior design and décor have an impact on the atmosphere you create and you need to correctly assess what this ambiance should be before you choose the colours that would best fit your lifestyle.
Put the chicken before the egg... Choose humanely and make a difference W e want to help you make well informed and kinder choices when purchasing eggs. Egg producers
Bread Types Explained
W hich bread is good for our health...Wholemeal, wholegrain, multigrain, sourdough, rye, white, high fibre white, low GI, low FODMAP, gluten free? Wholegrains are high in dietary fibre. Diets high in wholegrains are linked to a reduced risk of health conditions such as excess weight, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. Dietary fibre is also beneficial for bowel health by preventing constipation and feeding the “good” gut bacteria which is likely to result in a number of health benefits. White bread is made from wheat that has had the germ and bran removed, thereby reducing the fibre, B group vitamins, vitamin E and minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus. Wholemeal bread is made from wholegrains that have been milled to a fine texture, giving a plain brown appearance. Wholemeal flour contains more fibre than white flour and has a higher GI than wholegrain breads. Multigrain bread is made from white flour with added grains and has more fibre and a lower GI than white bread, resulting in longer lasting energy. Wholegrain bread contains the entire grain: the bran (outer layer), endosperm (starchy middle layer) and germ (nutrient rich inner part). It’s a rich source of carbohydrates, protein, unsaturated (good) fats, vitamins andminerals, aswell as three types of fibre: soluble, insoluble and resistant starch. Wholegrain bread has a dense wholemeal flour base as well as lots of grain and seeds. Look for “whole grain” in the ingredient list. Soy and linseed bread has the added benefit of healthy omega 3 fats. Rye bread has a heavier texture due to a lower gluten content. Wholegrain rye with added grains has a higher fibre and vitamin content than light rye and has a lower GI, as does rye sourdough. Wholegrain rye is a good choice for health. Sourdough bread has a lower GI due to the higher acidity level. Fibre, vitamin and mineral levels vary with the flour used, with wholegrain sourdough the preferred choice. Authentic sourdough takes a long time to produce and results in an acidic and chewy bread, two features that lower the GI. Look for a chewy texture and the absence of yeast in the ingredients, preferably with whole wheat flour or rye wholemeal, grains and seeds. High fibre white breads have fibre added to them. Gluten-free breads are made from an alternative grain to wheat and have a lower fibre content and higher GI than their wheat-containing counterparts. *Useful for people with a gluten intolerance such as coeliac disease. Low FODMAP breads f or those with (IBS), who are sensitive to a group of carbohydrates known as FODMAPS. These breads still contain gluten and are not suitable for people with coeliac disease. Look for heavy, dense breads with lots of grains and seeds. Check food labels for: Wholegrain, kibbled grain, nuts and seeds at the beginning of the ingredients list. Foods with more than 4g fibre per serve are considered a good source of fibre under the Australian food standards code.
have added confusing claims on egg cartons. To end factory farming, animals urgently need caring consumers to make the right choices. Understanding the labels on egg cartons. ‘RSPCA Approved’ - accredits egg farms to RSPCA
FREE FROM There are many other marketing terms used on egg cartons to imply higher welfare. These labels should be read discerningly. Terms such as ‘Vegetarian’, ‘Eco eggs’ and ‘Omega 3 eggs’ for example are not recognised descriptors that define the type of housing system or a level of welfare for hens. The term ‘Cage-free’ is also regularly used but it is important to note that these hens are raised in barns and do not have access to the outdoors. Likewise, don’t be fooled by clever imagery — some cartons may depict birds sitting on nests, or green rolling fields, but unless accompanied by an accreditation label, these images are most likely to be inaccurate. standards. RSPCA Approved farms allow hens access to an outdoor area. The description ‘barn laid’, ‘free range’ or ‘outdoor’ on RSPCA Approved egg cartons will indicate if the hens had access to the outdoors or were confined indoors (barn laid). ‘Free Range’- The RSPCA logo alone does not guarantee free range — you may also find the RSPCA logo on barn-laid eggs. Only cartons that are also labelled ‘free range’ contain RSPCA approved eggs from a true free range system. The biggest difference between free range farms is the number of birds kept in a certain space. While 1,500 birds per hectare is the recommended maximum, this is not enforceable and large scale producers are keeping their hens at much higher densities to cash in on the growing market for free range products. Queensland is the only state that has legislated a maximum of 1,500 hens per hectare. Organic and Humane Choice’ - Certified organic eggs come from hens kept on farms which meet and exceed standards of the best free range facilities. However, simply the word ‘organic’ on an egg carton can sometimes mislead people to think the welfare of hens meets certified organic standards when it may merely mean that hens in barns are fed organic grains. These logos on the egg carton indicate that the hens are raised on a certified organic farm. Humane Choice is the certification scheme launched by Humane Society International to improve the welfare standards of farmed animals. For consumers who do choose to purchase eggs and are searching for the most humane products, you can visit the Humane Choice website (http://luks.co/ WUw) for more details. BarnLaid’- Hens in barn laid housing systems are not confined in cages so in theory they can move around. However, high stocking densities restrict hens’ ability to move freely and exercise. Being confined indoors restricts hens’ ability to perform the normal behaviours that provide quality of life. Other claims on egg cartons
• Chemical herbicides and pesticides • Artificial preservatives, flavourings and colourings • Genetic modification • Soy, dairy and eggs, animal products • Added sugar • Chemical herbicides and pesticides • Artificial preservatives, flavourings and colourings • Genetic modification • Soy, dairy and eggs, animal products • Added sugar Lower salt Promotes gut health FREE FROM FREE FROM FREE FROM • Chemical herbicides and pesticides • Artificial preservatives, flavourings and colourings • Genetic modification • Soy, dairy and eggs, animal products • Added sugar Chemical h rbicides and pesticides • Artificial preservatives, flavourings and colourings Genetic modification • Soy, dairy and eggs, animal products • Added sugar
• Chemical herbicides and pesticides • Artificial preservatives, flavourings and colourings • Genetic modification • Soy, dairy and eggs, animal products • Added sugar We use only the best grains mostly grown in Australia on Certified Organic and sustainable farms. At our Certified Organic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid losing any precious vitamins. From the mill the flour is sent to our Certified Organic bakery to create our very own range of sourdough health bread. Sourdough bread is created by using a starter or mother, which ferments by lactic acid bacteria. This improves the food quality and the long fermentation (18 hours) ensures that the sourdough is fully developed and the nutritional value is enhanced. Fermenting and soaking ensures toxic or antinutritional factors are removed. BILLSORGANICS.COM.AU Available inColesSupermarkets, Woolworths&HarrisFarm inNSW&ACT Lower salt Promotes gut health
We use only the best grains mostly grown in Australia on Certified Organic and sustainable farms. At our Certified Organic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid losing any precious vitamins. From the mill the flour is sent to our Certified Organic bakery to create our very We use only the best grains mostly grown in Australia on Certified Organic and sustainable farms. At our Certified Organic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid losing any precious vitamins. From the mill the flour is sent to our Certified Organic bakery to create our very own range of sourdough health bread. Sourdough bread is created by using a starter or mother, which ferments by lactic acid bacteria. This improves the food quality and the long fermentation (18 hours) ensures that the sourdough is fully developed and the nutritional value is enhanced. Fermenting and soaking ensures toxic or antinutritional factors are remov d. We us only the best grains mo tly grown in Australia on Certified Organic d sustainable farms. At our Certifi d Orga ic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid losing a y precious vitamins. From he mill the flour is sent to our Ce tified Organic bakery to create our very We use only the best grains mostly grown in Australia on Certified Organic and sustainable farms. At our Certified Organic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid We use only the best grains mostly grown in Australia on Certified Organic and sustainable farms. At our Certified Organic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid losing any precious vitamins. From the mill the flour is sent to our Certified Organic bakery to create our very own range of sourdough health bread. Sourdough bread is created by using a starter or mother, which ferments by lactic acid bacteria. This improves t e food quality and the long fermentation (18 hours) ensures that the sourdough is fully developed and the nutritional value is enhanced. Fermenting and soaking ensures toxic or antinutritional factors are removed.
Lower salt Promotes gut health
Lower salt Promotes gut heal Lower salt Promotes gut health
BILLSORGANICS.COM.AU Available in Coles Supermarkets, Woolworths & Harris Farm in NSW & ACT
Sweet Potato, Spinach & Feta Muffins Makes 12
Method: 1. Preheat oven to 200c (180c fan forced) and lightly grease a 12 hole muffin pan. 2. Sift flour and soda together in a large bowl. Stir in spinach, onion and half of the feta. Combine remaining ingredients in a bowl, whisking well to combine. 3. Fold through dry mixture until just combined. Spoon into prepared cases and sprinkle with remaining feta. Bake 25-30 minutes until cooked. *TIP - You will need 550g sweet potato for this recipe.
Simple and tasty... Ingredients: 1 cup plain flour 1 cup wholemeal plain flour 1 teaspoon bi-carb soda 40g baby spinach leaves, steamed and chopped 2 green onions, sliced thinly
100g feta, crumbled 2 eggs, beaten 2/3 cup (190g) plain Greek yoghurt 125g can creamed corn 1 cup sweet potato (pureed) 50g butter, melted 1/4 cup grated parmesan
Why is gutter cleaning so important? C leaning gutters is a job that nobody likes doing, but if it’s not done regularly, there can be costly consequences. Spring is renowned for windy conditions making it especially important to protect your gutters and prevent the nasty build up of leaves and debris. Flooded ceilings and rusted gutters are the most common problems people experience as a result of clogged gutters. Gutters filled with leaves and debris are known to attract nests of unwanted critters including ants, cockroaches and other insects. Leafshield specialises in all types of gutter guard including stainless steel and aluminium gutter guards. The company has a solution for any type of leaf, no matter how small including Jacarandas and fine needles and its gutter guards can be fitted onto any roof type. Leafshield can also prevent birds, snakes, possums and vermin from entering you roof and gutters. With summer just months away, now is also the perfect time to prepare your gutters from summer storms and periods of heavy rainfall. Owner of Leaf Shield Gutter Protection Sherrie
Blundell said the business can offer its customers a range of products that can keep your valleys and gutters flowing beautifully in the heaviest of downpours. “Stormwater coming into your roof due to blocked gutters or valleys can cause major problems,” Ms Blundell said. Valleys often get overlooked, but if leaves and debris build up here, water can be forced in under tiles or roofing sheets and you can end up with internal damage. “Insurance companies and repairers say that many homeowners could have prevented internal water damage if their homes had been guarded.” Leaf Shield Gutter Protection is one of the few companies that can supply and fit a successful valley guard product. Leaf Shield valley system uses saddles along the entire length of the valley on metal roofs. On tile valleys, the mesh is installed under the tiles and across the entire valley. This stops the leaves from blocking the valleys and allows the rainwater to run down the valley gutter, as designed. For an obligation free quote phone the team today on 1300 362 246 For more information visit our website www.leafshield.net.au
Install now and SAVE!
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& Lifestyle Magazine | Spring 2019 7
Thinking of Buying or Selling Property? Karlene’s Conveyancing provides you with friendly, professional straight forward and stressͲfree advice. Over 30 years Experience Call today for an obligation free consultation Shop 4 / 330 West Street, Umina Beach Phone: (02) 4342 3925 Fax: (02) 4341 5223 Email: stephensonsre@ozemail.com.au Family business established in 1986 @stephensonsre We’ll look after all your real estate needs Specialising in: - Residential Management & Sales - Commercial Management & Sales
OUTDOOR PRIVACY SCREENS B ackyard privacy screens are becoming an increasingly popular option for outdoor areas of all shapes and sizes, and with good reason. Spending time in your own backyard is a well-loved pastime for many people. But even with a perfectly manicured lawn or sublime outdoor setting, it is difficult to make the most of your alfresco surroundings without a private area to enjoy it in. Maintain the required level of privacy between neighbours and other people living in close proximity. If you don’t want your home or garden to be seen by anyone who walks past your home then using privacy screens in and around your property’s boundaries makes a lot of sense. One of the major benefits of privacy screens is that they allow you to do what you like without having any foreign eyes gazing you from afar and not only help maintain privacy, but also make the covered area more peaceful and quiet. Privacy screens are available in a wide range of designs, styles, colours and textures to compliment your personal space. Improve your property’s overall look as well as the net worth...
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& Lifestyle Magazine | Spring 2019
8 Home
Achieve the high-end look with decorative concrete Stamped concrete, often called textured or imprinted concrete, is concrete that replicates stones such as slate and flagstone, tile, brick and even wood. Ideal for new concrete work for beautifying pool decks, driveways, entries, courtyards, and patios, stamped concrete is the perfect outdoor paving choice. Another factor contributing to its popularity is its price. The cost of stamped or imprinted concrete is often considerably lower than the materials it is a substitute for. can still be pressed into the concrete. Stamped concrete can also be used in conjunction with other decorative concrete elements such as exposed aggregate or acid staining. Popular patterns include running bond brick, hexagonal tile, worn rock or stone.
Concrete is the perfect canvas for creating a cost-effective replica of more expensive materials, without giving up a natural, authentic look. When choosing colours and patterns, make sure they blend with other stone, tile or textured concrete elements at your residence. Even in complex designs with steps and fountains, patterns
Stencil patterns, colours and designs can be applied to new and existing concrete to enhance or rejuvenate any concrete surface.
Stamped concrete has become a popular choice for many homeowners because it offers a wide array of options when it comes to concrete patterns and concrete colours.
What is landlord insurance?
General Insurance Advice and Broking Services Assisting individuals & business owners manage risk: - Retailers - Tradies - Manufacturers - Office & Professionals - Hospitality - Property owners - Landlords as your trusted insurance advisor and act in your best interests” For a confidential discussion call Mark Hanslow P 0401 674 794 E mark@hanslowinsurance.com.au W hanslowinsurance.com.au Hanslow Insurance Group is an Authorised Representative (No. 1251888) of PSC Connect Pty Ltd (AFSL No. 344 648) - Personal insurances “Our aim is to create a relationship with you
L ike home insurance, Landlords insurance can cover your investment property and its contents against a range of unforeseen events that can occur when your property is entrusted to a tenant. Why do I need it? Without landlords insurance you can lose your valuable property investment if it’s damaged or destroyed. You can also lose income if it cannot be rented out whilst it is being repaired, or if your tenants abscond or default on the rent. Aren’t all Landlords policies the same? No, they are not - there are a wide range of policies available. And, they are quite varied in the coverage and limits which they automatically provide. Differing policy features and conditions; optional, limited or excluded covers may include such areas as: Loss of Rent after damage, Rent default, Theft and malicious damage by tenants, Pet damage and illegal
drug lab clean up, Replacement conditions of floating floors, wall coverings and carpets, Lease continuation/periodic tenancy, Holiday or short term rentals. So what’s the answer? Do your research or consult a specialist. ‘Hanslow Insurance Group’ is a local growing firm that provides general insurance broking services to real estate owners and property investors. Save Time - We take the time to understand your needs; explain the cover options available and tailor an insurance policy to match your requirements - so you don’t need to spend time researching insurance options yourself. If you need to claim, we also assist in dealing with insurers every step of the way- helping assure the best outcome for you. Contact Mark Hanslow for personal service and insurance advice. Phone: 0401 674 794 or go to www.hanslowinsurance.com.au
& Lifestyle Magazine | Spring 2019 9
Reduce stress to mana ge blood pressure When you are under stress, your brain sends signals to your heart to beat faster and to constrict blood vessels, thus increasing blood pressure. Stress, be it emotional, physical or mental can all impact your health with negative consequences. This increased pressure can damage arteries over time and lead to cardiovascular disease. Developing stress management techniques are important and can significantly improve your overall health. Do things that make you happy - When was the last time you did something for yourself? Too often we get caught up with work, family and social obligations and forget to look at what we need ourselves to feel happy and satisfied with our lives. Try and schedule some time for yourself each day to do what makes you happy. Go and read a book, sit in the garden in the sun with a cuppa and a biscuit, take up a hobby. Looking after yourself is important, and remember it’s Ok to say no to avoid over load! Do what you want to do. You don’t have to explain why you say no, just say that you have other plans and make time for you. Spend time outdoors - Heading outside for some fresh air is the simplest way to manage stress. Whether you potter around the yard or do some gardening, go for a walk, play with your children or pets, make a trip to the beach or lake, go fishing, play tennis or golf, plan a picnic, go hiking, ride your bike, go to the local markets, or sit and watch the world pass by, being outdoors gives your body a chance to relax and counteract the negative effects that stress can have. Enjoy your surroundings, avoid taking your mobile phone and breathe deeply for maximum benefits. Change your frame of mind - Life is short.... Make every day count! A lot of stress often comes from worrying about things outside of your control. Try not to get caught up in the ‘what if’ scenarios and avoid over thinking every little thing. Identifying what is in and out of your control will take away a great deal of unnecessary stress. Be mindful, and focus on one thing at a time, enjoying successes big or small rather than focussing on unknown outcomes. This can take some time to perfect but once you do, it is a life changer. Find balance - Take time out to exercise your body as well as mind. Do a physical activity every day even if it is only for 30 minutes. These activities help to release stress physically as well as focussing the brain on something other than negativity. Breath! Remember to Smile.
Healthy hair nutrition tips When trying to achieve healthy looking hair, it’s important to go back to basics and look at your diet and how this can influence your hair health. Take a look at the key nutrients below that influence your flowing locks: Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Have a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids as our bodies are unable to make it by itself. When it comes to hair, omega- 3s are found in the cells that line the scalp. They are responsible for providing the natural oils that help maintain a healthy scalp and hydrated hair. A lack of omega-3 in the diet can result in a dry itchy scalp, dandruff and dry brittle hair. Best omega-3 sources: Oily fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel. Plant based – Avocado, olive oil, walnuts and pumpkin seeds. Protein- Hair is primarily made from protein, in particular keratin and collagen. The most important dietary tip for strong healthy hair is to consume protein rich foods. Government recommendations are for adult women to consume 46g of protein per day. This guideline can vary depending upon your age and health status. If you are lacking protein in your diet, your hair can appear dry, thin and brittle. Best protein sources: Lean red meats, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, Greek yoghurt, cheese. Plant based - Nuts, tofu, beans & legumes, seeds (particularly chia, sesame, poppy and sunflower). Iron - Hair grows approximately half an inch (1.3 cm) per month. Hair follicles need a nutrient rich blood supply in order to grow effectively. Iron is key in this. When iron levels are low (anaemia), the nutrient supply to hair follicles are reduced and can result in slow hair growth and hair loss. Adult women (aged 19-50 without any health conditions) are encouraged to consume 18mg of iron per day. Best iron sources: Beef, lamb, chicken, salmon, tuna Plant based - Kidney
Expansion, Contraction, Joints & Trims By Guy Thornycroft
A s you would expect, different materials behave differently under the same conditions making it important to know when picking your new flooring. Advertising has made much of ‘waterproof’ but that’s not an absolute. For most, a water resistant floor is adequate, but what about the more important question of environment? Are you beach, damp valley, shaded slope or rocky hill top?All flooring will expand and contract. Some in response to heat and cold and others a change in humidity. Generally, natural materials such as timber and bamboo (and to an extent, laminate) are hydroscopic. That is they react to the moisture levels in the air.
flooring will become too wide not to allow an expansion joint to be installed. Ask advice on how wide you can go before needing one as it will depend on the floor type you choose.Trims are required where your new floor meets the tiles in a laundry, an external door, a change in flooring like carpet or change in height such as a step. Most trims are designed to allow the floor to expand and contract under them and need to be installed so that the floor is not prevented from doing so.Consider your building environment when you pick your floor and ask for advice. See you in the showroom. Proflooring 258 West Street, Umina Beach Phone: 4342 6666
When theair ismoist it’sabsorbedand the floor expands (mostly in the width of the board). As a dry spell sets in the floor slowly dries out and shrinks over a number of weeks. Bamboo has the greatest movement in this way.To deal with this an 8-12mm gap is left where ever the floor meets a vertical surface like a wall. This is best covered by your skirting or as an alternative, scotia and you will never see that movement,Vinyl and the much advertised Hybrid floors are thermoscopic; they respond to temperature. When the house is cold they contract and when the heating goes on they expand. This can happen several times a day. In all floating floors at some point the area of
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& Lifestyle Magazine | Spring 2019
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By Geoff Garlinge
Q: I try hard to eat a balance diet, exercise regularly and look after myself the best I can. However, I’m definitely still lacking energy and dragging myself out of bed in the morning. I’ve only just turned 40 and am already noticing my waistline is beginning to spread and my skin is not looking as well as it previously did. My digestion is nowhere near as good as it used to be and I can’t seem to tolerate certain foods I used to enjoy. My bowel function has become more sluggish too. Last but not least, I’m also frighteningly starting to lose my sex drive. I never dreamed this would all happen to me and am now fighting off depression. It’s all making me feel very uncomfortable and stressed to the point of desperation, but I don’t want to resort to taking any medications or laxatives. Can you help me with a natural plan? A: Your health is your greatest asset and thankfully you have this understanding. Turning 40 is a milestone as also is 50, yet most people don’t plan for these changes via employing a balanced preventative natural health strategy. Though 40 is relatively young and 60 can be the new 40 if you’re well, your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) nevertheless does slow down dramatically. HGH (Human Growth Hormone) which acts as the virtual fountain of youth has already long plummeted at 40 and so the body cries out, requiring far more maintenance & TLC to positively move forward without medical intervention. If ignored, typical degeneration accelerates along with subsequent hormonal changes, muscle wasting, depletion of energy and the accumulation of dangerous & unhealthy fat. However, even without living on the processed rubbish that fills supermarket shelves, mass produced fake chemical-filled staple foods aren’t at all what they used to be either, and so don’t provide any solution to the ageing dilemma. The good news is dense nutritional supplementation can help you to both achieve and sustain optimal vibrant health to begin really enjoying your days again. Just 1 heaped teaspoon of GREEN FUSION, a combination (Vegan friendly, wheat/dairy/gluten-free & even fine for Coeliacs) delivers the equivalent of 1KG of Organic green vegies – which of course no one can or ever does consume. At this potency there are real anti-cancer benefits, stimulation of liver & bowel function plus much more. Similarly 1 level teaspoon of mega antioxidant Organic MAQUI BERRY Activate powder is equal to eating a bucket of fresh Organic blueberries! Once again in reality such a quantity would be needed to confer any substantial benefits. Even if not the typical highly sprayed item, analysis has confirmed the comparatively very weak antioxidant value of blueberries is diminished
those who embrace continuity to commit to a morning & night strategy reap the benefits and enjoy robust health they didn’t think was even possible. Your choices to take hold of the amazing nutritional powerhouses will empower you to regain and take control of your health to look forward to a vibrant healthy future free from pharmaceuticals. Q: After being diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer nearly 5 years ago, I subsequently had a mastectomy as well as all my lymph nodes removed on one side. This was followed by recommended follow-up radiation & chemo which actually took a terrible toll on my body and has also terribly affected my short term memory. Now I’ve just been told I have a secondary tumour and am being offered chemo again without further surgical intervention. I’m obviously very apprehensive to go down the same road again, but before I even consider it, I need to know is there anything natural I can take to reduce the horrendous side effects that can sometimes seem even worse than the disease? A: Sorry to hear your dilemma which is sadly all too common. So too metastasis, with the majority of cancer sufferers having experienced secondary reoccurrence via migration at a cellular level. On a positive level however (while of course no guarantees can be made with cancer), it is nevertheless possible to bolster & support your immune system naturally, whether or not you decide to do further chemo/radiation. Bovita (BTC) will be your best friend, as will be SUN CHLORELLA, WAKASA GOLD Plus and LACTOFERRIN at the very least. Over multiple decades I have witnessed firsthand many cancers sufferers effectively reduce side-effects using Nutraceuticals and super foods in the context of a balanced healthy lifestyle. Also reduced inflammation, less pain, increased energy and retention of a highly functional immune system. Knowledge is the key and the application of it can realise its potential. LACTOFERRIN studies utilising Nanotechnology are yielding astounding results in many areas of healthcare such as cancer including breast, brain and prostate. Nutritional cancer support simply makes good sense at every juncture and the new research is really exciting. The balance is achieved via gaining the accurate knowledge, then applying it to give yourself your maximum quality of life. A natural strategy incorporating an array of genuine Nutraceuticals, supplementation and functional dietary guidelines is the logical strategy to achieve the best possible scenario. Using this rationale, you are enabled to make your own choices to take an aggressive stance against existing while working against potential further metastases.
to nearly zero after only 3 days from harvest. Having travelled from farm to market to store, before sitting on display for? then finally to be consumed from the refrigerator by unsuspecting individuals in another day or 2...they are undoubtedly a classic waste of money to say the least. For diehard Blueberry lovers, Organic juice from volcanic soil offers better value in every way, being far more economical & definitely delicious too. Genuine treasures from the Beehive are integral to combat ageing & the associated problems you are encountering. BEE POLLEN is an amazing true superfood containing all elements necessary to sustain life...with the exception of water of course. The only food to naturally deliver identical HGH, BEE POLLEN slows the ageing process, produces energy & stamina, balances the nervous system, promotes radiant healthy skin & healthy eyes, regulates bodily functions & maximises absorption via its host of synergistically delivered Amino acids & enzymes! This enables the full potential of your dietary intake to also be harnessed & optimised, which over time produces robust sustainable health & endurance. For the ladies PMT as well as menopausal symptoms decrease & are effectively managed.For men the prostate is nourished, kept healthy & functional. Lean muscle mass comes easy with moderate exercise. Continual daily consumption revives & enhances libido in both.BEE POLLEN powers the athletic, with many adherents still running marathons well into their 70s and beyond! TYROSINE is another libido booster and offers the bonus of being a natural mood enhancer to uplift and normalise brain function. Real Organic MACA root powder is a great energiser, hormonal balancer and rejuvenator. To assist uptake of HGH in the body via increasing nitric oxide, add L-ARGININE + L-GLUTAMINE (shake in Pure CHERRY Juice with GREEN FUSION, MSM, Dr Cabot’s Quick-Loss Protein & Magnesium Complete). Incorporate plenty of Black VOLCANIC CHIA Seeds, BRAZIL Nuts (max. 6 large daily), Nutritional Yeast and Organic FLAXSEED Oil in your diet. Ocean trout cooked in Coconut Oil infused with high grade Turmeric & black Pepper is a great addition if fish is on the menu. Drink min 1.5 litres filtered water daily spiked with delicious Bio-fermented COCONUT PROBIOTIC & ENZYME concentrate.Enjoy cleansing RED CLOVER Tea. Eat approx 80% fruit & veg, 80% alkaline /20% acid forming foods and ZERO processed foods. Take 2 AGE Reviver + 3 Salmon Oil Caps BD. Last but certainly not least the mighty Fresh ROYAL JELLY unrivalled tonic of all tonics, will give you physical & mental energy to get your zip back, sleep deeply to facilitate maximum recovery, wake clear & refreshed each morning and begin to desire and enjoy sex again. Remember,
© 2019 GEOFF GARLINGE Dip. HC MR A (Medical Reg. Aust) - Geoff Garlinge is a Certified Health Counsellor, Nutritional and Nutraceutical Cancer Support Specialist & consultant to Australian University research facilities and the Natural Health Industry. With 30 years experience in the field, Geoff has lectured with as well as to Doctors, Pharmacists & CM Practitioners concerning Natural Health strategies with a reach into Asia & The Middle East. He is an established author of many articles in various publications and founder of AUSTRALIA’S OWN which he has headed up for 25 years.
& Lifestyle Magazine | Spring 2019 13
C ome and enjoy a real day out in the country at the annual, our FREE fun-filled Mangrove Mountain & Districts Country Fair - SATURDAY 19th October from 10.00 am – 4pm - at the corner of Wisemans Ferry and Waratah Roads, Mangrove Mountain. The day begins on Waratah Rd with our whacky Mountain Mayhem Billycart Derby. Start building your own billycart now to enter, or come along to watch the highly creative home-made billycarts as they race against each other for the coveted trophies! Racing 9am to 1pm. A fascinating assortment of various farm animals, featuring a range of cuddly, furry, feathered, baby and traditional farm animals. Our fascinating “Snake Man” allows you to have your own close encounter with many different types of native Australian animals and reptiles. We have wonderful pony rides, giant jumping Mangrove Mountain and District Country Fair
We have three stages featuring different styles and genres of live entertainment - singers, musicians, dancers, clowns, bands and much more. There’s something for everyone! For adults, we have displays and information tents on weed and pest control, solar systems, good garden and farming practices and the latest tools and machinery, a vintage steam farm machinery display, information on local restaurants, golf clubs, wedding venues, and wildlife sanctuaries from the Mountain Districts. Relax with a barista coffee under the trees! Enjoy a tasty hot or cold lunch, snack, cake or dessert from one of our local foods stalls, staffed by local community groups all raising money for the community! Do NOT miss our famous Country Fair Country Women’s’ Association tea and fresh baked scones... yum! Visit www. mangrovemountaincountryfair.org.au or LIKE us on Facebook at Mangrove Mountain & Districts Country Fair. See you there! At YOUR Country Fair! *Running every year since 1965 as a community fundraiser for local community groups.
castle, bouncy maze, horizontal bungee racing – and our crazy mechanical bucking bull. The Great Chicken Run - Every hour, our specially- trained chickens chase a remote-controlled monster truck (filled with grain) around our Chicken circuit. It is hysterical to watch! Guess the winner correctly and you could win some wonderful prizes! Our celebrated Arts and Crafts competition is on for young and old! This year’s School Art them is “Renewal”, and the Contemporary Art Award theme is “Energy”. So whether you’d like to enter our art, craft, cooking, invention, lego, flowers, photography or produce sections, check out our webpage for more information and how to enter. The Mangrove Mountain & Districts Country fair is a great day out for all ages. We have clowns, rides, face painting, showbags, sheep shearing, horse and pony demonstrations, authentic Dark Ages re-enactors, an agility dog display, and our well-known local plant stall with glorious plants donated by our generous local nurseries – just in time for spring.
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