Home & Lifestyle Spring 2018
G rand Pacific Tours in conjunction with Enriched Travel by Design invite you to enjoy a taste of NZ coach touring. Date Tuesday 23 October 2018 Time 9.30 - 11.30am Pick up point Bus stop outside Toukley RSL, Main Rd A UNIQUE KIWI PRESENTATION • 2 hr experience including a short journey on the KiwiConnectioNZ coach • Try out the 2 BUSINESS CLASS seats, a key feature of Ultimate Small Group Touring • Captivating presentation • Talk to the experts • EXCLUSIVE offers* • FREE info bag • Light refreshments* LIMITED SEATS RSVP ONLINE NZCTT.info/Toukley or call 0408 877 564 *Conditions apply. Offers available on new bookings only. Light refreshments weather permitting. COMES TO TOUKLEY Most Luxurious Motorhome in Australia A motorhome billed as the most luxurious ever to grace Australia’s highways and byways is being introduced to this country by Concorde Motor Homes. Capable of carrying a small car totally enclosed within its ample and beautifully planned (28.5 sq/m living + 9.75 sq/m garage) dimensions, the Liner Plus outshines in luxury and finish many of the luxury apartments, bought as holiday escapes by premium purchasers. The Concorde Liner Plus motorhome – the first example of which has been sold to an Australian business couple – “is a technical masterpiece, the Maybach of Motorhomes, which gives space for supremely relaxed travel, with furnishings that offer almost unbeatable comfort and independence at the highest level.” The insulated, soundproofed and air-suspended vehicle with soft floors and classy LED interior lighting is already the top selling heavy A Class Motorhome in Europe where approximately ten (10) per week are sold to people who appreciate the high quality components, habitation suite and the high position ease of driving via an automated eight speed gearbox blendingwith a torquey (1200nm/200kw) Mercedes Benz turbo diesel effortlessly moving its 9000kg (running order) mass. Not only has every detail beenmeticulously crafted for independence, comfort, luxury and aesthetics, but it has also been designed to world- class safety standards on Brand New, Commercial, top of the range 2018 Mercedes Benz 15 tonne running gear giving the guarantee of trouble free long life and service availability throughout Australia. Motorhome enquiries to Mr Allan Stocker, Manager, Concorde Phone 02 4954 6326 sales@concordemotorhomes.com.au I N V I T A T I O N
Enriched Travel by Design is Mobile
I magine lounging in a comfy chair sipping on your favourite beverage while your ideal holiday is created to your liking right in front of you. No rushing, no queues and no interruptions. Sounds
too good to be true- right? Well, it is possible and this is just how Sarah from Enriched Travel by Design operates her travel consultancy business. You see, Sarah knew the best way to look after her clients was to work around their needs and stepping out of the over-crowded office. How is this possible? Enriched Travel by Design is a full service, licensed and registered travel agency with access to everything a shop front office has including the same airlines, cruises, tours but as an added bonus to her clients, Enriched Travel by Design is mobile. Being a mobile travel agency makes things a lot more convenient for clients especially for groups (e.g. sports, social etc.) who like to travel together because Sarah can come and meet with the whole group (or just the representative) at a suitable venue like a club, café or function room to discuss their travel plans. Sarah’s interest in travel began in her early 20’s when she decided to move to the UK to work so that she could travel through Europe. Since then she has also been to many countries including Thailand, Vietnam, India, China, Cambodia, South Pacific Islands and cruising. Her career in the travel industry spans over 10 years and during this time she has created numerous memorable holidays for her clients. In 2017 she launched her mobile travel consultancy business with the focus to specialize in those who enjoy group travel and her favourite form of travel, cruising. Sarah collaborates with the best travel providers in the business, which means her clients will receive first-rate service and expertise. In October, Grand Pacific Tours and Enriched Travel by Design are offering a free informative presentation on the benefits of coach touring in New Zealand. This special invitation will be a short mystery tour on board one of Grand Pacific Tours luxury coaches. Attendees will have a chance to chat with the experts, enjoy light refreshments and take advantage of exclusive offers only available on the day. This is a unique opportunity for travellers from the Central Coast. Bookings are essential so please reserve your seat by contacting Sarah on 0408 877 564 or email sarah@enrichedtravel.com.au. To find out more about Enriched Travel by Design go to www.enrichedtravel.com.au or follow on Facebook and Instagram.
& Lifestyle Magazine | Spring 2018
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