Home & Lifestyle Spring 2018
New Season Leather Sandals
New season Spring arrivals now in store...
I nstep Footwear at Gosford’s Imperial Centre has been providing quality footwear, handbags and accessories for men and women for more than 25 years. Business owner Trish Davies and her staff pride themselves on providing excellent service and can offer professional advice and extensive product knowledge relating to any chosen style to their customers. Their selection of ladies handbags receive many great reactions from customers. Serenades unique Patent leather bags and wallets in various colours and styles are always eye catching. Gabee and Modapelle Sick of being sick? Suffer from asthma and allergies? Cold or flu too often? Suffer no more, with clean and healthy indoor air. Asthma Australia recognises a variety of environmental conditions in the home that trigger asthma. The main one being dust & dust mites. We have 6 tips for removing asthmagens to improve your indoor air quality and reduce the risk of asthma attacks. 1. Vacuum LESS frequently Vacuuming stirs up dust and dust mites. Choose a vacuum with a HEPA filter and motorised head to really get into the carpet and capture finer particles that trigger asthma. Vacuum less frequently but spend time to really lift the dust from the carpet. 2. Clean & Prevent Mould Another trigger is mould. Many cleaning products are quite potent and further aggravate asthma. The National Asthma Council suggest ro clean porous surfaces with naturally fermented white vinegar, ensure adequate ventilation and use filters to reduce airborne mould. Solair specialises in mould fumigation and prevention on the Whether vacuuming, changing sheets or dusting, have a ventilation system so any stirred-up dust that becomes airborne can be carried out with air flow rather than re- settling inside. A system like the SolarVenti pushes in fresh natural air from outside but filters out any airborne particles in the air before it enters your home. Central Coast. 3. Ventilation
hand painted leather bags and wallets are very popular and Cadelle handbags provide many options in beautiful soft leathers and various colours. They have a great range of quality footwear brands including Ziera Orthotics, Skechers, Cabello, Django and Juliet, Zeta soft comfort wear shoes to name a few, with lots of new colours and styles available this season. Come in and see us and we will help you to make the right choice for your needs. Shop 136, Imperial Centre, Gosford PH 4324 2264
6 Ways To Asthma Proof Your Home
4. Pets Pet dander plays havoc with asthma. Keep pets outside w h e r e v e r possible. Use
durable covers on cushions and sofas and wash them regularly, and vacuum floors and furniture. Wash your fury friends about once a week to reduce their spread of hair around the property. 5. Cleaning Products & Air Fresheners Spend a few minutes reading product labelling. Bleach and other chemicals such as monoethanolamine, diethanolamine, ammonia and triethanolamine contain asthmagens. Eco-friendly alternatives are generally safest. You can even just use water to damp a cloth and wipe the dust-off flat surfaces. Eliminate un-naturally scented aerosol sprays, electric plug-ins, candles, oil diffusers, body wash and perfume. 6. Heaters Traditional forms of home heating can flair up asthma. Rather than smoky log fire or gas heater, opt for an ethanol fireplace for a clean burning home heating. The SolarVenti can also be used to heat the air in your home. It’s critical to remove as many triggers as possible and implement clever techniques to ensure they won’t return. Let us asthma proof your home for you! Contact us for a quote today. mail@solair.com.au (02) 4367 8252
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