Central Coast Home & Lifestyle Winter 2023
Outdoor & Garden Lighting for your home O utdoor and garden lighting is now more widely used than ever before. With the emphasis on designing homes that combine both indoor and outdoor living, the benefits of good outdoor and garden lighting are numerous. The lighting of paths, steps and focal points of your home can be done not only for practical reasons but provide a visual interest that welcomes your guests and leads them safely to their destination. A well-designed plan can integrate practical, security and feature lighting. This lighting can be combined with sensors to control security and energy efficiency. Lighting used for entertaining may require different switching’s and lighting sources to control the application that is required. For example, lighting required for the barbeque may not be appropriate for enjoying a relaxing glass of wine. When considering the lighting of your garden first look for focal points of interest. Choosing what to light is important. Look for trees and plants with unusual foliage or trunk systems. Adding plants in nice pots or garden features can help to giving your lighting something different. Highlighting of features can be achieved with up lighting, cross lighting and shadowing that will create different textures impacting on the mood and feel you are after. The lighting should be hidden so as the source is not seen and in nearly all cases less is more. Contrasts between light and dark can create dramatic effects. The illumination of gardens and features is the most exciting of all outdoor lighting. While having a lighting expert design and suggest what products are best suited for your project is highly recommended, DIY garden lighting is very popular, and the use of 12v & LED (Light Emitting Diodes) lighting systems makes installation safe and easy. LED lighting has given garden and outdoor lighting more scope for visual effects with different colour choice and control of the light output. They are extremely energy efficient and maintenance free but it is important you understand the product you are purchasing.
• Made locally, with local natural materials. • Beautiful internal feature walls. • Thermal mass to help keep your home cool in summer and warm in winter. • Earth bricks regulate humidity in the house reducing mould. • Strong for either load bearing walls or veneers. • Non-Combustable to AS3959-2018 – Building in Bushfire Prone Areas • Available in a variety of natural earthen colours.
naturally a healthy choice
mud tec .com.au 0493 517 510 Check out our website or contact us to talk about your project.
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