Central Coast Home & Lifestyle Winter 2023

SPECIAL REPORT Breast Cancer – Major risk factors & Natural Prevention

BY GEOFF GARLINGE B reast cancer is a relentless disease and like Prostate in men has become far too common. Shockingly around 15% or 1 in 7 of Australian women will develop invasive breast Cancer. This is an alarming indictment on our society, especially considering just 5-10% of cases actually relate to family history or confirmed genetic mutation. So much promoted as an acceptable & normal lifestyle is in effect waving a red flag at Cancer. No surprise smoking remains the No.1 cause of Cancer while carrying excess unhealthy weight is linked to at least 13 types of Cancer including breast, bowel & pancreatic with not only the obese at major risk. While a multitude of mockers rail against anything healthy as they loudly keep singing “I don’t care I love it” – sadly Cancer will knock on many of their doors. Research shows women with a waist measurement greater than 88cm are at higher risk of developing breast Cancer, this being indeed true and more prevalent in postmenopausal cases. Waist circumference is a real indicator of the degree of visceral fat a person has in their body. Visceral fat is the unhealthy internal sort deep inside around the organs that builds up in arteries. Again not surprisingly fatty liver, pancreas and fat clogged arteries are all indicators of excess visceral fat. This fat produces inflammatory chemicals that subsequently increase wear & tear in the body. Not reducing inflammation = a substantially greater risk of developing Cancer. Whenever insulin is present in excess, it subsequently promotes visceral fat accumulation and so keeping insulin levels down is the best strategy to reduce your waist circumference and Cancer risk. Not that insulin in itself is bad, being both a very important and necessary hormone in the body. Making too much of it is indeed the problem and the result is Hyperinsulinaemia which leads to a number of serious and dangerous health consequences. Recent research confirms human breast Cancer cells contain more than 6 x the number of insulin receptors than healthy breast cells. This enables glucose to bind to cancerous cells and speed up their growth. It’s widely known that breast Cancer cell growth is regulated by hormones, growth factors and their receptors. Not so regarding testing 159 breast Cancer tissue specimens for insulin receptor content, where researchers made a startling discovery. Astoundingly the number was more than 6 x greater than the mean value found in 27 normal breast tissues obtained from mastectomy patients, in addition to six normal specimens obtained from others undergoing breast reduction surgery. Insulin receptor content in breast

Protein is indeed the most vital dietary component for those needing to reduce their blood insulin level. It is imperative that protein is included in every meal partially due to it being extremely satiating. Hence it is protein that helps us to feel full and satisfied after a meal, while facilitating this lasting feeling for longer. This way sticking to a healthy diet becomes far less of a struggle. Examples of protein include Organic free-range eggs, wild caught seafood, chemical free poultry and moderate amounts of grass-fed red meat if well tolerated. Organic Bio-dynamic Yoghurt, clean nuts such as PF Almonds, Brazils, Walnuts & Pistachios + seeds ( Black Volcanic Chias are best) all provide protein albeit in smaller levels. Protein powders such as Dr Sandra’s Quickloss & Syndrome X are extremely helpful for busy people wanting to lose weight to deliver quick, tasty & easy meal options, as also PEP for those happy to mix their own shakes. A protein powder smoothie with added Chias, greenish banana & Ceylon Cinnamon makes a delicious & filling snack mid-morning or in the afternoon, when struggling with sugar cravings. Keep in mind it’s best to eat 2 or 3 meals and avoid snacking. Fasting helps to lower blood insulin levels plus offers many other health benefits. Whilst great it isn’t appropriate for everyone though and fasting between meals will give you similar benefits. Exercise helps in lowering insulin, so best to find something friendly you enjoy & do it regularly. Building, nourishing & maintaining muscle is key and the more muscle you have on your body, the more insulin sensitive your cells will be. Hence your blood level of this hormone will naturally drop. Finally optimal liver function is absolutely critical. With over 500 functions, a healthy liver is crucial for blood sugar and insulin control. A fatty liver diagnosis means insulin resistance, Eliminating fat from your liver is essential , often difficult but certainly achievable. Dr Sandra’s book Fatty Liver You Can Reverse it will provide more direction & great info. NB. As per the previous official yet now rescinded preposterous recommendation that alcohol consumption was not harmful at low levels in pregnancy, the "wine is good for your heart" myth was always another deception designed for wishful thinkers. Via typical out of context data manipulation, global attention was diverted from solid evidence that apart from the obvious sugar problem as well as serious negative implications for the liver... every glass substantially increases the risk of developing a breast tumor, hence for prevention of formation and reoccurrence abstinence is plainly the best option. *For more lifesaving information purchase a copy of The Breast Cancer Prevention Guide from Glowing Health today.

Cancer tissues was also higher than in any normal tissue tested, including the liver which is supposed to be high in insulin receptors. Additionally, tests revealed the insulin receptor content of the tumours correlated positively with tumour size, tumour grading, and the oestrogen receptor content. In a nutshell, this definitively demonstrates that breast Cancer cells with more insulin receptors are harder to treat and more life-threatening. Being a growth-promoting hormone, our blood level of insulin spikes during childhood and puberty, when your body needs to grow rapidly. Then as an adult, high levels of insulin aren’t required unless pregnant. Too much insulin can encourage the growth of tumours as well as fibroids, nodules, polyps, cysts, acne and of course excess body fat. The insulin receptors on the breast Cancer cells bind with glucose, which in turn allows entrance into the Cancer cells where growth is accelerated. Furthermore, sugar raises inflammation in the body and inflammation speeds Cancer growth. So in order to enjoy sustainable good Health, it’s crucial to keep your blood insulin level low. To find out if your blood insulin level is elevated, simply request a fasting insulin blood test. Your waist circumference will be a good indicator of the urgency to take the test, as those with a slim waistline almost always have low-normal insulin levels. Reducing breast Cancer risk to eating excess & empty carbs, these individuals oversecrete insulin, are far less likely to experience satiety (feeling satisfied after a meal) and therefore tend to overeat. This means carbohydrate needs to be restricted in the diet. Pertinent to mention here that the other major mistake in overeating stems from eating too quickly and not waiting for our brain to catch up with our stomach as should be normal practice. The definition of fast food is not how rapidly it can be delivered to consumers, rather how fast it can be consumed – hence the double whammy in the disaster lifestyle it creates. Best to get your carbohydrate from clean natural sources i.e. Bee Pollen , Organic vegetables plus moderate amounts of fruit (if not eating ANY processed or refined foods & maintaining plenty of muscle, it is possible to consume more than the average) along with nuts, and seeds. Easy to follow low carbohydrate eating plans are in the books I Can’t Lose Weight And I don’t Know Why & Diabetes Type 2, You Can Reverse It Naturally. No 1. – EAT CLEAN REAL WHOLEFOODS & GO EASY on carbs The majority of Australians simply cannot handle the now commonly acceptable levels of carbohydrate in their diet. In response

© 2023 GEOFF GARLINGE Dip. HC MR A (Medical Reg. Aust) - Geoff Garlinge is a Certified Health Counsellor, Nutritional and Nutraceutical Cancer Support Specialist & consultant to Australian University research facilities and the Natural Health Industry. With 34 years experience in the field, Geoff has lectured with as well as to Doctors, Pharmacists & CM Practitioners concerning Natural Health strategies with a reach into Asia & The Middle East. He is also founder of AUSTRALIA'S OWN Pty Ltd which he has headed since 1994.

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