Central Coast Home & Lifestyle Summer 2018
Local Volunteer makes a difference to the lives of others D affodil Day - Local Resident Helen Waterhouse has been involved in raising money for the Caner council since she came to the coast 24 years ago after being affected by Breast Cancer twice. Helen is a remarkable woman who strives to help the local community in any way she can, and on Friday 24th August at Kincumber Shopping Centre Helen and friend Terry raised an astonishing $2,657 in total, by selling 180 bunches of daffodils, pens, pins, bears and key rings to raise money for the Cancer Council to help people who have cancer. Every year Helen asks friends to help and they find it is a very busy but satisfying day, as most people realise the need for support and come straight over to buy something to help raise much needed funding. Helen also holds the “Big Cup of Tea” for the Progress Association at MacMasters Beach and this year raised $500. Even though Helen has been touched by cancer twice it doesn’t affect her drive and determination to raise money to help others and live a busy and full life. “Daffodils are a symbol of hope and don’t forget each year on the 4th Friday in August to buy one and hopefully one day there will be no cancer” said Helen.
Terry Glenda and Helen
The Clinical Skin Clear or Lamprobe 4000 is a unique instrument for the effective treatment of a wide range of common minor skin irregularities. This exceptionally quick system uses radio and high frequency technology for the easy and precise removal of minor skin irregularities without penetrating the surface of the skin. This combining of the two frequencies does not leave a lingering burning sensations, as some other methods do when removing lesions. This new technology is the preferred alternative to the more common procedures of cutting or Cryo burning lesions off, as the risk of complications such as scaring or pigmentation are easily avoided and the main reason for this is that the tissue surrounding the lesion being treated is not affected and is left unharmed. Treatable conditions include: Skin tags, Spider Naevi, Cholesterol Deposits, Warts, Freckles, Age Instantly Visible Results
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Our highly qualified staff at John P Smith & Co have a long 30 year history of supporting local businesses in Kincumber and the Central Coast region. At John P Smith & Co we are 100% customer orientated and offer a range of accounting and taxation services for both businesses and individuals, specialising in the building industry. We can also assist with the establishment and management of self-managed superannuation funds. The services available at John P Smith & co include: Business income tax and advice, ASIC registered agent, Individual income tax returns - 14 day refunds, Investment properties, Self-managed super funds – tax and accounting, Bookkeeping and BAS preparation. Our Speciality - We assist you with implementing the procedures to help financial accounts stay compliant with Accounting Standards and keep your reporting free from material misstatement. We work hard to provide effective, accurate and professional advice to small to medium businesses in a wide range of accounting, taxation and business matters. For prompt and reliable service Tel: 4369 4244 or email - admin@jpsaccountants.com.au, 88 Avoca Drive, Kincumber NSW 2251 www.jpsaccountants.com.au
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