Central Coast Home & Lifestyle Magazine Summer 2016
Who is Nikkie P. Nikkie P is the design - the new - the difference. Nikkie P can design your bathroom, or style your home or lifestyle. Nikkie P’s unique and stunning designs will become the talking point of your home. Unique lighting, stunning mirrors and homewares that will turn heads and so much more . Come in and see for yourself at Nikkie P’s new Lifestyle Studio & Retail Hub. With gift vouchers, lay-bys and Nikkie’s VIP Club there is something for everyone. Who is Nikkie P.? Nikkie P. is the Art of Living Well. Shop 10, Elizabeth Court 30 Karalta Road Erina (next to Plush)
Lifestyle Studio & Retail Hub Eclectic collection of vibrant and unique items for everyone.
Studio Hours Monday - Wednesday 10am - 5pm Thurs 10am - 6pm | Friday 10am - 5pm Sat 10am-4pm | Sundays closed 1st Sunday of month - Market day 10am - 4pm
10/30 Karalta Rd, Erina NSW P 02 4365 2495 E studio@nikkiep.com.au www.nikkiep.com.au
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